Sunday, July 29, 2012


We have been so inspired by our trip to the Ewe Experience  last week.
 Rebe made a picture of Minian, using 22 sheets of paper stuck together.
 Benny and Joa are so impressed to have him in our house. I asked Rebe how old she thought he was, her answer still surprises me '45'... it just seems like an odd age for a giant to be, but there you go :-)

We have had 2 days of only small showers of rain so we went down to the beach for a play yesterday morning,
 and to exercise the horses:

We also had a mission to gather 10 or so good sized rocks.
 We washed them and then painted them,
 and ourselves and the garden...

 Nora Snots
When the rock monsters were dry we took them into the woods and hid them in the hollows of one of our favourite trees.

 We are hoping that finding them will make people laugh and smile.
 This is the 1st of our planned natural sculpting in the woods :-) I love the idea of making natural art for other people to enjoy, to bring a wee smile to their faces. I also like the idea of helping and encouraging the children to make art in this way... a sort of natural graffiti :-)
there is also a fair bit of climbing to do too :-)
Joa has been helping me knit for the giveaway fairy doll, a project I'm really enjoying right now :-)

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